Monday, January 26, 2009


So if you can believe it, I never feel like I have anything to say. It's always the same old stuff going on here in Vermillion. Maybe I have the idea of a blog all wrong. I keep thinking I can only post stuff that is super interesting. What I need to do is go back to December and post Bianca's baptism. First I need to pester Mandi about getting the pics to me for all of you to view.

Things are going well with me. I'm feeling better pregnancy wise and am getting more excited with each week that passes. I keep thinking that maybe I'm a bad person for not being ecstatic about this pregnancy, but maybe it's because it really crept up on me. NO more of the counting days method for me. It obviously didn't work. Anyway, my older brother had a baby on Jan. 19th up in Brookings. It's his 3rd baby but first boy. Seeing that new little baby got me more excited for my own to come. It's fun to anticipate what they will look like and what their personality will be. I'm hoping for another boy, just to even things out a bit. In the beginning of March I will find out what we are having. I'll be sure to post right away with that one. Well, I need to vacuum, scrape the snow off my van and pick Ava up from head start. See ya'll later.