Saturday, November 15, 2008

3...2...1 Blast Off!

Last week our family went to Sioux Falls so Sam could attend a PT seminar. While we were there I took Bianca to the Washington Pavillion of Arts and Science. We had a really fun time. I had to talk Bianca into getting inside the space suit. She said it smelled bad in there. I guess when you get a couple hundred people going through each day, it could get stinky. I myself didn't notice any unusual odor. They have some really great activities there also. We found a game called "Mindball". Two opponets strap a band around their head that has sensors on it. They are supposed to read your brainwaves. A little metal ball is moved on a track by these brainwaves. The more relaxed you are the faster the ball moves. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but it seemed that all the kids were beating the parents. I think kids are just more relaxed and carefree. Another thing we had fun on was a simulation of a wheelchair race . I kicked Bianca's butt on that one so HA!
Next time, the whole family will have to go.
P.S. scroll down to see the newly added halloween pictures!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Anyone know a good dentist?

My mom gave us some ugly teeth for the kids to play with. Yes, I like to put them in too. The things are hilarious. I know my brother-in-law Brandon would have a good laugh with us.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The naked cowboy rides again!

I let Joseph take a shower with me today so he would stay out of trouble. He got out first and ran off. This is how I found him after I got out and dried off. It was pretty funny to see.

Something funny Bianca said

Yesterday during sacrament meeting Bianca asked me where Ava was. I told her that she was sitting with Marlee. Bianca said, "Maybe the Earls want to adopt Ava so they can have a flat-haired kid. Marlee has big curly hair and Ava has flat-hair" Of course this got me snickering. Bianca always says things to make me laugh during church.

Our Halloween Weekend

"Witchy Grandma" and 80's Jess

Bianca as "Mario", Ava as "Nala", Joseph as a lion,
and Marlee as a ladybug. Very cute!

"80's" Jess and Mandy as Angelina Jolie

Friday was Halloween and we had a wonderful time. In the morning Ava, Joseph and I went to Sioux falls for the day. We stopped at Grandma Sherri's, went to the zoo and picked my mom up so she could come trick or treating with the grand kids. We started the night at our branch Halloween party. I helped plan and decorate for it and it turned out really good. There were some different games, a cake walk, punch and snacks. We also did a trunk or treat for the kids. I got a lot of comments on my costume which was supposed to be an 80's chic. Most people thought I was a street walker. I think it was the big fake eyelashes. Bianca was dressed like Mario, mom was a cute witch and Ava and Joseph were lions. They all looked great. After the party some of our friends and us went trick or treating. The kids had a blast. I think Grandma Julie did too! All the kids were so cute running up to the houses. You could hear them yell "TRICK OR TREAT" a mile away.

My mom spent the night at our house and the girls thought it was really cool that she slept in their room. My dad came down Saturday morning and we had homemade waffles and bacon. The kids always love it when the grandparents from either side of the family come to our house.
After nap time we took the kids to play at Prentis park. The weather has been sooo nice. You wouldn't think it was the beginning of November.

Sunday was great because Joseph actually stayed in nursery without me. He cried at first when he went in so I stayed for a bit. Before I snuck out I told Ava that if he got sad she could sit down and hold him and give him hugs and kisses. After church she said he got sad a couple times and when she hugged him he "kept getting yucky stuff on my shoulder and my dress". I thought that was pretty funny. We went to the park again after nap. Sam always does such a good job playing with the kids at the park. They love it when he pushes and spins them on the tire swing. He usually has a bunch of kids playing with and chasing him. Sometimes we don't even know the kids. The only bad thing about the weekend was daylight savings time. It was dark by 5:45. I wish we could get rid of that. Anyway, when I get pictures of Halloween from Mandi I will post them.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gee...thanks for being so honest Ava.

Well, I just thought I would write down a conversation I had with Ava right before her nap. It really cracked me up.

Me: Do you want a kiss goodnight?

Ava: NO.

Me: Why not?

Ava: Because when I wipe it off and do this (she then smells her hand), it smells weird. And your breath smells weird too.

Me: MY breath does?!

Ava: Yeah.....grandma's kisses and breath doesn't smell weird and papa's doesn't either.

My conclusion is that it was the bacon I ate at lunch or horrible halitosis. Either way, I guess I better brush everytime I want to give Ava a kiss. But, at least she's honest. Most people just won't talk to you if you have stinky breath.