We had to be to the Yankton medical clinic by 7:00am so Ava and I left at 6:15 to make sure we were there on time. My mother-in-law came down to spend the morning with Joseph so Sam could go to school. Anyway, after we got to the clinic the nurse checked Ava in and gave her a cocktail of Demerol, Versed and Tylenol. I guess this helps the kids to get really relaxed so they don't get nervous or anything. Ava sure did get relaxed. In fact she acted down right drunk. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. She kept saying silly stuff. For example...she was looking at a National Geographic magazine and all of a sudden she stops at a picture and says...(imagine a drunk person talking)
Ava- "Hey, I know that guy"
Me- "You do?"
Ava- "Yeah, it's my dad!"
Me- "That's not dad"
Ava- "But my dad wears a shirt like that!"
Later on...
Ava- "Momma, how come you got three noses" she tries to unsuccessfully touch my nose and gets my mouth instead.
Ava- "Hey, whats that weird smell over there. Smell it momma" she is pinching my nose and pointing to the corner.
Me- "I can't smell anything, cuz you're pinching my nose and I can't smell the corner."
On with the story now. About 10 minutes before she goes in for the surgery she somehow slides down the foot rest on her chair and bonks her head on the floor. The nurse pops her head in and inquires why she is crying. I told her that she bumped her head a little but is fine. The nurse then goes on to say that they won't be able to do the tubes now since Ava had a head injury. WHAT!!! The anesthesiologist comes in and says that if she has a broken blood vessel in her head the anesthesia could make it bleed more and that would be a problem, so he won't put her under. GOOD GRIEF.
The nurse shows us to the recovery room so Ava's cocktail of medicine can wear off. During that time a pediatrician came down to check her out and said she was fine for surgery. She went and talked the anesthesiologist into putting Ava under. Fifteen minutes later she was done. An hour after that we were sent home.
An hour after we got home, Ava started throwing up every 20 minutes and wouldn't stop. This went on for a few hours, then she started throwing up blood. Apparently when you heave that much, it can cause small tears in your esophagus which results in the blood. I took her to the acute care clinic in Vermillion. The doctor on call got a hold of Dr. Krell. He said to send her to the hospital for observation. When we got there, Dr. Krell showed up and had her hooked up to an I.V., since she was dehydrated he had her spend the night and following morning. We were finally discharged at 1:00 the next afternoon. Apparently Ava didn't take well to the anesthesia and that's why she vomited so much. I sure hope we never have to do this again.
The hospital here has done a great job of taking care of my kids when they've been admitted. There is a lady that works there named Kari Jo. She works with pediatric kids and always makes sure they have enough toys and fun things to keep them happy. She sent home a little sack for each of my kids. The sack contained a surgical mask and bonnet, band-aid, medicine syringe and medicine cup. My kids love playing doctor with the stuff.
Ava in the hospital