Friday, March 6, 2009


As you can see, I'm finally getting around to posting about Bianca's baptism.

What a wonderful day it was. We had originally planned to have it on Sunday December 21, but of course South Dakota had to give us some yucky weather. My parents and in-laws couldn't get down to Vermillion from Sioux Falls, and my Brother Matt and his family were stuck in Minnesota. So...we had to postpone it until the next day. That of course made me irritable, cuz I hate it when things don't go as I planned. Bianca cried and cried but I told her it was better to have it the next day then for Grandmas and Grandpas to get killed on the interstate. That quieted her down.

When the day came it turned out perfect. Lots of people were able to come and we even had to set up more chairs in the R.S. room and in the cultural hall for the "after baptism food".

Bianca looked beautiful in her white clothes. The speakers were her Dad and her papa Steve. Sam spoke about the Holy Ghost and Papa spoke about baptism. They were both quite entertaining. Sam even sewed and stuffed a cute dove and threw it at Bianca. She loved it.

I was standing on the side of the font when her uncle Jake baptized her and of course I cried like crazy. Afterward, Bianca said she felt really good. I am so proud of her for the choice she made. I love you Bianca!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Yay Bianca...I love your kids Jess! And SAM I am boeyond impressed...he SEWED and STUFFED that? I though he just bought it at the store. Sam, you rock.