Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes! It's edible...

Well here's another project the kids and I did together recently. I really have to scrape for ideas when the weather is chilly or downright cold. Not that it has been lately. We did this a few weeks ago. Anyway...we made peanut butter playdough. It was especially nice for Joseph because he insists on eating regular playdough. I know it's non-toxic, but I just don't want him eating it all. How are we supposed to play with it if all of it's in his little gut? Boy, the kids had a great time playing with, then eating it through out the day. And yes, Joseph is wearing girls clothing, but that's a story for another day:)


Brooks Family said...

Looks like its a bit messy.

Jessica Bair said...

Yeah, it was messy, but taking a bath keeps them busy as well.

Megan said...

What a fun idea!

Brosita said...

We made this the other week- my boys loved it....we put heath candy bits in it too...then I wanted to eat it....chocolate chips would be our next add in if we make it again!